
Posts Tagged ‘Economy’

Quote from the International Forecaster

“It has been almost three years since the Federal Reserve took its interest rates to 1% and most recently to zero. This allows member banks to borrow money at no cost. The Fed lends to large banks with little or no control, so that these banks, some of which are owners of the Fed, can really do as they please. The Fed even lends at zero and re-borrows from these banks at a higher level, guaranteeing the banks a riskless profit. Those profits would have gone to the US Treasury and the American taxpayer. These profits for the most part are the result of the creation of money and credit by the Fed. The banks are so overjoyed regarding the results that the Fed has told them that it will keep the current policy for at least the next two years. The banks as a result are making big speculative profits to offset their gigantic losses, while at the same time the economy falls deeper into inflationary depression. This is the tyranny of our almost 100 year old privately owned banking system.”

Why are the elected representatives of the people allowing this to continue?
And don’t think the situation in Europe concerning the practices of the European Central Bank is any better.

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More and more people in Europe are catching on to the truth about the financial hardships and the role of politicians and big business

Once again they must pay, the downtrodden of Greece,
while the rich just get richer
as all that is worthy is sold off to those
greedy banks, corporations, unless protest grows.

All within the EU, do you see what’s afoot,
as most leaders kowtow to
the “Too big to fall” while indifferent to those
who are losing on all fronts and taking the blows?

Wakey-wakey, it’s time to show them how you feel,
that there’s no more protection
from their long transgressions of laws made for those
who resort still to crime before some they’ll expose.

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Is there a connection?

If you’re reading this, then the world still hasn’t ended. I understand Mr Camping won’t be available for comment for some time due to unforeseen circumstances.
This week the local supermarket has reduced the price of 100 products to 1 euro — perhaps to celebrate the above.
Another eruption has taken place in Iceland, with the wind luckily blowing its excreta in the direction of Greenland according to relieved aviation sources in Europe.
A prominent member of the elite has been arrested for groping a hotel maid. They think they can get their hands on anything these days.
Carbon dioxide is still public enemy number one, which those in power are going to save us from for a large fee — don’t hold your breath.
Big bankers and their loyal politicians are still actively engaged in destroying national economies, even to the extent of putting their own wealth and reputations at risk, with the suffering people no doubt viewed as collateral damage. Even Keynes might be turning in his grave.
Obama’s still having a rough time getting his speeches right.
Lady Gaga has dethroned Oprah, which seems to me a good move.
The US and its allies continue on the path to bankruptcy in order to maintain, protect, and expand their empire abroad in the name of fighting terror, causing the number of terrorists to increase, which requires expanding even further their empire abroad …. Of course, this is an ideal situation for the industrial/military complex, at least in the short term.
I may have got it wrong, but it seems the British Queen has been banned from visiting Northern Ireland in the future for refusing a pint of Guinness.
According to the alternative media, 2012 promises to be an exceptionally eventful year even if the Maya’s predictions prove to be a bit out.

I feel the answer to my first question must be yes if at some level we still function as a race, though the equations governing human society would appear to have reached a complexity that even Mother Nature has difficulty working with.
I admit to feeling the chill of a Mayan seer looking over my shoulder and smiling.

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In this speech to the European Parliament Nigel Farage speaks out against the European Union’s destructive financial policies:

Nigel Farage to the EU: Who the Hell do You Think You Are?!


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Image “Tree Money” courtesy Francesco Marino

Mr. Bernanke, our thanks to you
for bringing us closer to poverty
printing money as you do.
We people and our offspring
will have to pay the bill.
Get your house in order
I hear John Keynes say to you.

Mr. Bernanke, our thanks to you,
no doubt big bankers will once again
welcome everything you do.
By spending, spending, spending,
Obama plays your game.
The day is surely coming
when someone will get the blame.

Note: Loosely tied to the lyrics of the old tune “Oh Mr Porter”

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Purple shades

A perspective of Dutch political and economic trends (also seen elsewhere)

Power is swinging to the right
Left is losing hold
Not by much it must be said
Leaving many cold

People tired of leaders who
Fail to face the foe
But fall surely on their feet
When it’s time to go

People tired of government
Ruling lives each day
Wasting money left and right
Stolen hard-earned pay

Pensions now no more secure
Savings undermined
Keynes ideas decide the day
Logic hard to find

Experts swarm but disagree
Truths turn into lies
“No depression”, “Double Dip”
Hear the groans and cries

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I read today that the European Commission has agreed to inject ten billion euros into an Irish Bank that lost money through bad investments and has already received four billion. Will the Irish people benefit, or other Europeans and their offspring who must help pay the debt incurred?

Quick I need a billion –
no, why not make it three,
or ten, it’s only bits and bytes
in databanks, you see.

Money manufactured
to fill that great balloon
inflated by the bankers
for some most opportune.

When those who hold the purse strings
wield power, the world to rule,
then freedom will be bought and sold
or taken from the fool.

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During an election discussion on TV yesterday evening, someone suggested that employers should allow their employees time off to enjoy the 2010 World Cup football matches involving the Dutch team. This received a round of applause from those who were no doubt football-loving employees, but when an employer stood up and commented, ‘Unpaid, of course’ the applause gave way to boos. The politicians sat smiling, obviously enjoying a respite from heated discussions of more important issues.


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So, according to the latest news the solution to the financial problems caused by instability within the European Union (EU) is a further reduction of national sovereignty and the centralisation of economic power. As all member states have budget deficits, nearly 500 billion euro is being plucked out of thin air by their finance ministers to give the EU an economic boost. This is to satisfy international investors whose doubts concerning the future stability of the EU were causing the value of the euro to plummet. The fact that this move merely increases the total debt hasn’t escaped everyone 🙂 and one might suspect that clever investors would remain unconvinced unless they know something the rest don’t.


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Edited 9 May

Billion here = 1000 million.

Many of the European Union’s (EU) member governments are plunging deeper into debt to bail out the Greek government’s far larger one incurred by the incompetence and corrupt practices of its leaders. A group of lawyers in Germany is filing a suit against its state because these actions it says are illegal according to the EU’s constitution. I quote from an article, one of many on the subject:
“The complaint will argue that the rescue contains an illegal rate subsidy, threatens monetary stability as encoded in the Maastricht Treaty, and breaches the ‘no bail-out’ clause. Greece is clearly responsible for its own mess.”


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Well, according to various reports, the local authorities in Europe were wrong to impose a no fly ban during the recent Icelandic eruption. In an article here from the Mail Online the European Commission’s director general of transport accuses the weather experts in the UK of using a model not based on scientific facts to forecast the spread of volcanic ash. (This reminds me of something. Oh yes, global warming is based on similar contentions).
Limited airborne measurements taken since the eruption have found little evidence over Europe of ash components that could be damaging to aircraft engines. As I suggested yesterday the lives of some are apparently cheap when authorities are willing to risk accidents to avoid financial pain.


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I realized today that the Dutch Government’s financial deficit of about €30-billion is almost the same amount it gave to the banks during the financial bailout last year. It is now proposing that the people pay for this deficit through increased taxation and reduced social services. I wonder why the same banks aren’t being required to invest more in the local economy to stimulate economic growth. I admit I’m no financial expert but I note that many of those who are advocate the same thing.


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It is well known that huge amounts of taxpayers’ hard earned income is being squandered by western governments on poorly organized foreign aid projects.
I read today an article on the world’s richest man Carlos Slim who pipped Gates at the post by 500 million dollar. He donates money only to efforts that stimulate economic growth and is reported as saying that it’s not enough to play Santa Claus; one must provide education and work opportunities. “One must not teach another how to fish but how to sell fish. Then he can also eat something besides fish.”


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As I’ve mentioned before there is to be a national election in the Netherlands in June this year. Strangely, many leading politicians including a number of ex ministers have recently resigned from politics saying that they need more time for their private life. While I can understand the human aspects of such a decision it is somewhat curious that so many are all at once involved.


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The European Union (EU) is having problems that were foreseen but not openly discussed until now. Simply put, there are member states that are better at bookkeeping and combating corruption than others.


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The way out

To govern the country takes money
that’s why we’ve raised taxes again.
There are wars to be fought,
corrupt leaders we’ve bought
and demands of the banks are a pain.

And then there are those who would harm you:
invisible forces out there.
Everyone is suspect
so we have to protect
and bring ever more control to bear.


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I reproduce here an illuminating article (with the above title) on U.S. military presence in the world written by
Laurence M. Vance, Ph.D.
View all 6 articles by Laurence M. Vance
Published 02/15/10
with thanks also to lewrockwell.com

Just as Hadrian succeeded Trajan, Domitian succeeded Titus, Nero succeeded Claudius, and Caligula succeeded Tiberius, so Kennedy replaced Eisenhower, Nixon replaced Johnson, Reagan replaced Carter, and Obama replaced Bush.

Same empire, different emperor.


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One thing western governments should be doing, but are not, is preventing unscrupulous organizations from dangerous and fraudulent activities having a devastating effect on populations and economies at the national and international level. The Financial Crisis and the Global Warming and the Swine Flu scandals are, of course, the prime examples of this. Why is it taking so long to right the wrongs and set up safeguards to prevent similar occurrences in the future? (more…)

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Obama’s going down even further in the estimation of many and it’s his own fault. He who made such a hopeful start has never ceased to disappoint since, except those who are still mesmerized by his charisma or are making a mint from his financial handouts.
Now the “Groveller-in Chief”, as the press is calling him, on meeting the Emperor of Japan bowed 90 degrees and offered a hand to be ceremonially cut off if necessary. This means that if we ordinary types ever get to meet the Emporer (which we won’t but never mind) we would have to bow at least 150 degrees and offer our heads to him for possible symbolic decapitation. Protocol would appear to demand it.
The president obviously feels a strong urge to bow for some reason when he meets royalty and one wonders what it could be. His action appears to be in breach of state department protocol which states that an American president should bow to no one short of the Heavenly Father – and I don’t mean the Pope. The mainstream media is rather surprised by his antics and the alternative media are having a field day saying that it’s a sign of subservience to his masters – the elite, as he also did something similar on meeting the Saudi King.
Why should anyone care? Well no doubt for many, it must seem to rather tie in with his concerted efforts back home to undermine America’s roll as world leader. The last bastion of minority freedom is disappearing under a landslide of increasing bureaucracy, overspending, bankers’ bad debts and depreciating printed money. Europeans who value personal liberty are looking on with leaden eyes in the aftermath of the acceptance of the Lisbon Treaty, giving even more power to the central government.
Well, if the World Government becomes a fact we, its servants, may all have to get used to bowing.

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I’m sure our local morning paper is mostly a source of cold amusement or boredom to those of a more skeptical turn of mind, like me – those not easily fooled by shoddy propaganda. Its sudoku is also too easy, damn it! Why don’t I take another? Well I did switch to a national paper of a definite higher quality for a while (with harder sudoku), but it had the irritating habit of arriving after eight o’clock on weekdays and as late as one o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, if it arrived at all – inexcusable, of course. The one redeeming feature of our present publication is the local gossip.
The government here has a problem: it’s always made up of at least three political parties and presently we have a mixture of centre Christian Democrats, rightwing Christians Fundamentalists and leftwing Socialists – a motley crew.
Due to the inevitability of compromise they’ve all joined forces somewhere in the middle, producing a rather tasteless, thin political soup. The opposition comprises about three hundred parties (slight exaggeration) all constantly fighting each other and as such not really forming any effective opposition to the ruling coalition. As in many western nations, the more rightwing parties have gained in popularity the last few years, largely due to bungled immigration policies and their repercussions.
The upshot is that our leaders (well, let’s be kind) like to push important decisions as far into the future as possible and let the less important ones sink into the quagmire of seemingly endless official and public debate, where they lie dormant until some irritating journalist inevitably resurrects the underlying issue, hopefully at a much later date.
The largely disillusioned public doesn’t really care, anyway. Elections are a mere distraction and unlike many special days on the calendar one is not even given time off. Well it’s true, as I’ve said, that many do have an obsession with immigrants who can’t fit in and generally seem to lounge around, some descending into criminality, and there’s the persistent sore of different cultures and religions not getting on too well. Oh, and politicians who propose legislation that obviously steals from salaries don’t last long.
The latest important decision has been to introduce a kilometer levy on vehicles from 2018. Yes, you read it correctly – 2018. No more purchase and running taxes but a distance-travelled tax (sorry levy) instead, and (how could it be otherwise) there will be a reduction for vehicles producing less CO2 than their guzzling counterparts. The people I referred to in the first sentence think that, at an estimated guess based on experience, the sending out of nine million bills per month might stretch the capabilities of even a most industrious future administration to breaking point, and that the whole system will ultimately prove to be too expensive anyway, as so often has happened in the past.
Perhaps in 2018 we’re all driving clean vehicles with only their drivers producing CO2, so it would seem a safer bet to just heavily tax breathing and be done with it. Perhaps in 2018 little green men will have taken over the Earth and turned us all into slaves – without vehicles. It’s all possible.
After years of research and debate involving the unions, the government has decided to raise the pensionable age from 65 to 67 with effect from 2017, yes 2017. Most unions are steadfastly against the move, as they see it as their members having to contribute longer for less. Anyway, there’s plenty of time left to iron out the details. Of course, many of those higher up can even now go on as long as they are capable if they wish.
On a lighter note, according to the media in general the western economies are easing out of economic depression (or is it recession?), crawling it’s true and likely to slide backwards at any time, but momentarily making slow upward progress. All except Britain it seems, which is making Prime Minister Brown’s severe headache even worse. Well, he can perhaps still manage a thin smile thinking about the coming utopia of the New World Order (perhaps as late as 2018), in which he imagines his personal problems will be over. How naive can one be?
Oh, and the NASA has found water on the Moon, several bucketfuls I’m told. So the future seems a little brighter for those of us who will have to survive on our sister body while raping it of its natural resources or when the planet becomes inhabitable for humans or both – hopefully after 2018.
I’m sure there are those who, in their craziness, see man’s situation in 2018 clearly, but let’s all agree to do our best to ensure that their dreams don’t become our nightmare reality.

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